Our day will come

 Hi there readers and followers of my blog,

a couple of important things have happened since my last post here and I thought it necessary, to sent this short technical update quickly to You.

In combination with the end of my active phase at Vulkan and my preparations, which are in full swing, for the re-launch of my entrepreneurial self-employment, I have decided to also change the platform for my blog. 

This must - and will ! - happen as soon as possible. And with this re-launch my blog will become more professional and beautiful.

I don't want to make any firm promises now, but I should actually be able to go live with my new private & professional appearance in the social media by the end of June, at the latest.

That's actually already all for today. 

As a consolation, here's a nice video of Amy's "Our day will come" performance, which describes nicely my own intentions and future plans.


Hope, You liked this. See You hopefully soon back again in my blog - in the new format on the new platform. 


  1. Looking forward to see the histories in the next platform. Best regards, Robson

    1. This is just a matter of time, my friend, and You will see the much better (technically spoken) quality of my blog and posts......(:-


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