
Showing posts from May, 2021

Warning: Shit can happen, but it should not repeat

 Hi all You readers of my posts here in my blog. Time today to share some more experiences with You. Did You already realise that we`re almost 2 weeks in front of the first anniversary of my blog? Wow. Uncredible how fast time is running.  Since my last post a lot of important things have happened here. Together with my colleagues Ferdinand Senske, VP Operations, and Luis Traúzola, VP Admin/Finance, I have decided to abandon our offices and instead of these we construct now a new, modern open meeting & working space area, which will be much more appropriate for our future "hybrid" work mode @ our factory in Itatiba. And this "constructive desctruction" (Schumpeter) has already started! If everything goes as scheduled, we should be able to inaugurate our new office area until the end of July. And we`re all terribly curious and impatient now.  Two weeks ago I have received my first Astra Zeneca vaccination dosis. On the following 2 days I was completely knocked do