Some personal thoughts derived from yesterday`s soccer championship finals in Sao Paulo

 Good afternoon readers of my todays post. Today we have a very special day here in Brazil. Because today we celebrate "Fathers Day" here. No idea whether this is the same today for You at any other countries in the world, but anyhow I wish all my Brazilian and all other global friends, a Happy Fathers Day.

Last night I watched the final game of the soccer championship in Sao Paulo state, which always is a very exciting event and which fortunately this year - just due to the limitations imposed by Covid-19 - has been peaceful and without the usual outbreak of violence between the organized supporters of the different teams.

Palmeiras, the team which I am supporting since a couple of years in Sao Paulo, won this championship for the 23rd time, but for the first time again after a period of non-successful 12 long years, against its main rival Corinthians at its home stadium Allianz Parque in Sao Paulo city.

This gives me the opportunity to explain one of the - admittedly very few - problems which I encounter with my Brazilian fellows since I came to this wonderful country about 25 years ago for the first time.

As I have been moving constantly from places and countries to new places and countries during great part of my life and professional career, I have quite quickly and easily become accustomed to get familiar with different cultures and ways of life and to get integrated into these. 

What I learned from my first time outside Germany (better: Europe) on, was the importance of soccer for many people - including most of my employees, local customers, suppliers and service providers - at the different places where I have been living and working and for our daily conversations and friendship. 

In order to become fully accepted and to be able to share the full experience and beautiful events, I always decided to adhere to one of the locally dominating soccer teams wherever I went. And for sure I strongly support all the national teams of the countries where I have been living during all international tournaments, even when it comes to plays against Germany, which I normally support as well.

This has made me become a quite rare bird. Because - wherever I have been living - people are very much used to support through all their live only one soccer team and no others, at least in their own country. Which I find not very explanatory, because in big countries with regionally differenciated and distributed situations - why not support teams there as well? 

Something which is much more crazy for me is, that in many Latin American countries people tend to support only their particular local soccer teams and not at all their national team. And also the wide spread behaviour, to support the adversaries of other teams from their own country when playing against international competitors from other countries. 

But maybe this all is a really a private, personal issue. I mean, I am not changing my loyalty to different local and national teams over time like a chameleon. Once I have started to support a local or national team, I stick to it. But my clear strategic advantage is, that - at least during international tournaments - I have "many irons in the fire". Think about it! 

Now our barbeque is ready, the ice cold beer is waiting in the fridge and in about 3 hours the Brazilian national soccer league play between my number one Brazilian soccer team Flamengo, from Rio de Janeiro, and its today`s adversary Atlético Mineiro will begin. 

Enjoy the rest of this beautiful weekend and fill up Your batteries for next weeks business battles.


  1. Go Flamengo...Go Palmeiras!!! Enjoy your first São Paulo tournament championship...


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