Luke & Klaus proudly inviting You to my 2nd post

Hi my friends, followers, business partners and contacts. Good to meet again with You here. I choose the below picture for my 2nd post in this blog, because it expresses very nicely my hopeful expectations, that at least some of You should have been waiting curiously already for my new post. 

The foto shows our golden retriever Luke (Luke Skywalker) sitting outside our house, impatiently waiting for me to come out and join him. He has become totally adapted to my new home office routine. When we started to switch over to home office for all our administrative and many other colleagues at our company in Itatiba, Sao Paulo,  about 3 months ago, I immediately selected the open, typical brazilian, churrasqueira (grilling place) in our garden (You can see it on the below picture behind Luke) as the right and definitely best place available for me in our house. 

And since then, from morning to evening, Luke joins me and does not leave me alone a single minute during my long office day over there. We have meanwhile become a really strong and experienced team. 

Since I started my blog yesterday, I have thought a lot about this new baby and I decided, to give it directly a certain frame structure. What I will often publish here, are single pictures and I will also quite frequently present one literature thing, a book or an article, and/or some artwork, like paintings, which I find important and of potential general interest for You and I will also mention one let`s call it piece of music, which I like very much and would like to share with You. 

As this is the first time that I follow this new structure, both the literature and the music examples must definitely be of really high importance and esteem for me. 

My absolutely most beloved and admired book is the wellknown “Don Quixote” of the Spanish mediavel author Miguel de Cervantes. I read it for the first time in the original spanish edition during the years 2000 to 2003, when I was Managing Director of Schwarzkopf & Henkel`s famous spanish cosmetics plant “La Toja” in beautiful La Coruna, Galicia, where it from time to time rains endlessly all year long. 

One of our most prestigious products was the black soap “Magno”, whose incredibly nice parfume I am permanently missing, since I went away from Spain to Mexico mid 2003. And this book never left me loose again. I think, no other novel reflects better and deeper all the crazy experiences each of us encounters during his live. 

Just reflect, how many times You already have fought senceless with wind mills in Your own life! My condolences for all those, who didn`t make such really rich experiences yet. You definitely missed a lot.

 My todays`s music reference – as a fanatic Rolling Stones fan since the sweet age of 8 (release of the hit buster “Satisfaction”)  -  must definitely be “Living in a ghost town”, a song which reflects so perfectly the perverse images and mood of the empty cities worldwide during this Covid-19 crisis.  

Finally here just as a comment, because I have been asked this question so many times already, what I personally consider as my most important and successful achievement during the meanwhile decades of my professional career as executive for outstanding german industrial companies in several parts of the world. 

I admit frankly that I am incredibly proud, that - no matter all the massive learnings, developments and adaptations I personally made throughout all these years at so many diferent places -, I have never given up or put into question or at sale my personality, my character and my ethics. 

And this is really my most important recommendation, especially for all my younger friends, who are still in their development and definition process, personally and professionally. 

These are Your real assets and values, the ones which will keep You able to do the greatest jobs, achieve the highest targets, survive the deepest falls, withstand the biggest dangers, gain excelent performance and find happyness in Your live. 

Never give up, to take care of and defend these! But let`s stop here now and leave more content for my tomorrow`s post. I can`t tell You all my stories and experiences today. Otherwise my blog will die out again soon. 

What`s definitely sure already is, that Luke will be waiting for me again tomorrow morning. But what about You? Will You still continue interested in following my posts? Hope so. I have plenty more sexy stuff for You in my treasure room . 

Enjoy another great, happy and highly successful day. Luke and I are keen to seeing You tomorrow here again.


  1. I can't wait for more content! It is always a pleasure read stuff about your personal experiences, Klaus!

    1. Tks for this extremely motivating compliment, my friend and ex GEA Heat Exchangers colleague Demian. I will not disappoint You with my post for tomorrow !

  2. Love it Klaus..I choose my kitchen as my official place at this home office dog is not so calm like your, but maybe I would shift for barbecue area together with him!!

    1. Great comment, Josias. It always confirms again, that You are a really practical manager. What a brilliant idea, to install Your home office at arms lenght of the fridge.

  3. Nice Bro!!!
    I am in my Bar.... Home office... Works well.... But I have to control my wish to stop and drink when it's getting tougher.... 😊

    1. Beautiful conflict, Michael. Many times people should exactly stop when situations are getting tough and have a drink together instead. I`m deeply convinced that many unnecessary "hot" debates could thus be avoided. Who knows, maybe even wars????

  4. Hello Klaus, please keep on with this blogg, is becomming the perfect companion for my morning coffee

    1. Count on me, my friend and ex companion from my times as Managing Director @ BOS Automotive Irapuato in Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico. I need You in this globally distributed beautiful team of wonderful people.

  5. Klaus,

    Let"s make it a good habit.

    Continue sharing your experience.

    I know you have to much to say.

    Un abrazo...

    1. Hi mi unknown friend. Yes - I can tell all of my readers and followers a lot about my experiences and learning. And the best for all of You: this is completely free for You. Just follow my blog, read my posts and - please please please - participate and contribute actively with Your highly appreciated comments !

  6. 🙏🏼 Danke schön.

    PS: meine Katze heisst Prinzessin Lea. Nice match.

    1. Das ist super, Karin. Unser Luke ist sowas von lieb. Der kann keiner Fliege etwas böses antun und würde sich bestimmt wunderbar mit Prinzessin Lea verstehen. Bringe sie doch einfach mit, wenn wir uns zum grillen bei uns zuhause in Vinhedo - hoffentlich bald - wieder sehen. Liebe Grüsse!

  7. Hi Klaus, my dog is also a good friend in these days, working with me. I changed many times my home office area (from the balcony to the bedroom, from the bedroom to the dinning room), always trying to be in a different place (similar to normal, with customers, meeting rooms and others). This weekend I watched a kid's movie that's inspired on Don Quixote, and reading this article inspired a little bit more to read the book asap. I'm now starting to discover "The Rolling Stones" too. Thanks a lot for this blog full of rich content that help us with inspiration and new ideas. Best Regards. Robson Rodrigues.


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